Bludge and Bramble: A Comfy Horror Episode 1
This is episode 1 of my comfy horror manga Bludge and Bramble (working title).
I had a really rough summer due to some pretty catastrophic health problems. I spent a lot of time on the internet trying to figure out how to self-doctor myself. All of this research gave me the idea to create a fantasy world that symbolically depicts health problems and natural remedies symbolically (think Cells at Work plus Pokemon–with plenty of Christian modesty mixed in for good measure).
It is a horror because like all true horrors, poor lifestyle can result in horrific consequences.
It is “comfy” because nothing short of damnation and unrepented-for-sin is truly horrible in this life.
In it, you will find realistic and spiritually inspired lessons about married life and true love as well as practical lessons about health and well-being–all wrapped up in fun, beautiful manga storytelling.
I have had a lot of fun creating these characters and creatures and I hope you enjoy them as well!
Hospode pomiluy (Senor ten piedad) –Reuben